E-mail: [email protected]
Phone: 604-515-6368 (Ext. 2)

Rational Service Specialists

At Pinnacle (PFES) we recognize how important Rational ovens are in the operation of commercial kitchens. We have taken significant steps to improve the service we offer to our Rational customers. PFES currently has 4 Rational Certified Technicians, including a Rational Technical Lead whose specific role is to develop and improve the Rational division within Pinnacle. PFES are accredited Rational Service Partners, with 20 years experience working with Rational as Warranty agents. Pinnacle has made a significant investment in Truck stock – covering 85% of spare parts for the SCC, WE and iCombi Models of Rational. This allows us to:
  • Offer a 24-hour emergency response to our Rational customers
  • Deliver a first-time fix rate of 95% on service calls
Pinnacle also offers a 24 hour, 7 days a week hotline to preferred customers. Call our Rational Specialist at 604-377-1728 We are committed to reduce the impact of a ‘machine down scenario’ in your commercial kitchen by delivering fast and efficient service.  
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